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BookletCode: B0362  Price: £6.50

This is a new colour version of one of the world's most popular prayer books. It gives the reader interesting facts about our Catholic Faith as well ...

Holy Hour of Reparation

Holy Hour of ReparationCode: B1518  Price: £8.50

This prayer book has been a classic since 1945 -- now completely re-typeset and printed in full colour. This collection of prayers may be used for ...

From the Rose Garden of Our Lady

From the Rose Garden of Our Lady
Rev William SchaefflerCode: B2121  Price: £8.95

A Book of Rosary Meditations. First published in Bavaria, Germany in 1929, this book contains a beautiful line illustration of each mystery

From Advent to Epiphany

From Advent to Epiphany
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3054  Price: £12.95

Christmas is the season of joy and peace with a charm all its own. Yet, If we are to receive everything that the Christ Child comes to give

Practical Meditations

Practical Meditations
Angelus PressCode: B3385  Price: £39.95   £38.95

Practical Meditations For Every Day of the Year - on the Life of Our Lord Christ

"The best meditation book I've ever found

From Epiphany to Lent

From Epiphany to Lent
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3166  Price: £13.95

Fr. Troadec's series continues in this second book From Epiphany to Lent. The series offers a simple and practical guide for individuals and ...

Stations of the Cross: Newman

Stations of the Cross: Newman
John Henry NewmanCode: B2069  Price: £2.50

Among the various texts that have been used for The Stations of the Cross, John Henry Newman's words stand out as one of the most enduring versions

A Simple Rosary Book

A Simple Rosary Book
Donal FoleyCode: B2286  Price: £3.50

Enriched by the history, customs and scripture that surround the Holy Rosary, many today are rediscovering this prayer which lies at the heart of ...

Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book

Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book
Archbishop Fulton J SheenCode: B2216  Price: £7.99

In these times of war and terrorism, turn to: Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book! Orignally published as 'The Armor of God'

Novena of Our Lady's Rosary with Meditations and Indulgences

Novena of Our Lady's Rosary with Meditations and Indulgences
Rev. Bernard A McCaffrey, C.S.CCode: B1494  Price: £4.95

This well-loved book on the Rosary, originally published in 1941, gives the origin and history of the rosary. Updated in 2003

Saint Anthonys Treasury

Saint Anthonys TreasuryCode: B2838  Price: £7.99

This well loved manual of devotions has been revised and reissued in a beautiful gilt edged, red hardbound, easy to carry volume

Treasury of the Sacred Heart

Treasury of the Sacred HeartCode: B3365  Price: £35.95   £34.95

This beautifully bound Catholic classic is a sacred collection of the prayers and ancient devotions offered to the Sacred Heart over the centuries

Assumption to Advent

Assumption to Advent
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3361  Price: £15.50   £14.95

Fr. Troadec's popular, daily-meditation, liturgical series ends with this sixth and final book: From the Assumption to Advent

From Trinity Sunday to the Assumption

From Trinity Sunday to the Assumption
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3360  Price: £15.50

Fr. Troadec's popular, daily-meditation, liturgical series continues with this fifth book.

This installment begins with the contemplation of the ...

Holy Rosary Devotional

Holy Rosary Devotional
Angelus PressCode: B3224  Price: £12.95

Enjoy this 15 Decade, large Rosary Devotional. As Catholics, we know that the Rosary is more vital than ever, even while our schedules become more ...

Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena

Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1472  Price: £2.75

Sacred Heart of Jesus, novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

The Catholic Girl's Guide - hardbound

The Catholic Girl's Guide - hardbound
Fr F X LasanceCode: B3377  Price: £39.95

A Guide for Young Catholic Woman. This Catholic classic from 1905 has been completely re-typeset in a new edition, printed on beautiful cream paper ...

The Liturgical Year - 15 volume set - hardbound

The Liturgical Year - 15 volume set - hardbound
Dom Prosper GuerangerCode: B3355  Price: £260.00

Brand new hardbound set of Dom Prosper Guéranger's monumental liturgical work, comprising fifteen volumes, the life-long labour of the Benedictine ...

The Secret of the Rosary

The Secret of the Rosary
St Louis de MontfortCode: B2408  Price: £5.99

Probably the finest book ever written about the Rosary; appeals to all ages. Shows the great spiritual power of the Rosary

A Large Print Prayer Book

A Large Print Prayer BookCode: B0669  Price: £3.95

Large print prayer book with popular Catholic Prayers, prayers for Communion and Confession, Divine Praises etc.

A Large Print Rosary Book

A Large Print Rosary Book
BookletCode: B0779  Price: £3.50

Meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary in larger print for the visually impaired. It also explains the practical steps of saying the Rosary

All Souls Novena

All Souls NovenaCode: B2327  Price: £2.20

A novena is to be said for 9 days. This novena gives one or two mysteries from the traditional rosary to meditate upon for each day for All Souls in ...

Jesus, Mary, Joseph Novena Manual

Jesus, Mary, Joseph Novena Manual
Father StedmanCode: B1358  Price: £11.50

This pocket-sized book contains the official "Triple Novena" to Jesus, Mary and Joseph as well as a treasury of daily prayers, psalms and novenas

Joy in Suffering: According to St Therese of the Child Jesus

Joy in Suffering: According to St Therese of the Child Jesus
Bishop A A Noser, SVD, DDCode: B1176  Price: £6.99

A Novena 9 Days of Instructions and Prayers. St. Therese suffered much, yet she was truly happy. Here in 27 brief but powerful instructions (3 each ...

Large Print Stations of the Cross

Large Print Stations of the Cross
St AlphonsusCode: B0762  Price: £3.50

The best known meditations on the Stations of the Cross in a handy format with large type and pictures for the visually impaired.

Pocket book of Catholic Novenas - St Joseph Edition

Pocket book of Catholic Novenas - St Joseph EditionCode: B3387  Price: £7.50

Illustrated in full colour. Great for beginners, and as a handy portable book for all Catholics. Its contains many of the most widely prayed ...

Praying with the Saints - Autumn

Praying with the Saints - Autumn
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3413  Price: £12.95

"The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day

Praying with the Saints - Winter

Praying with the Saints - Winter
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3414  Price: £12.95

"The best way to celebrate the saints is to imitate them. Why not try to live as they did, if only for one day, their day

St Michael Novena

St Michael Novena
Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.Code: B1483  Price: £2.75

Saint Michael novena and prayers. Beautiful new edition with full colour illustrations and gold-embossed cover, size 3.75" x 6".

The Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows

The Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows
Anthony JeremyCode: B3333  Price: £2.50

The Devotion of the Seven Sorrows in a beautiful full colour presentation, illustrated by the sequence of stained glass windows in the chapel at ...

Catholic Book of Prayers

Catholic Book of Prayers
Ed. Rev.Maurus Fitzgerald, OFMCode: B0349  Price: £11.50

Popular Catholic prayers arranged for everyday use. Large print with beautiful illustrations and colour prints.

Eastertide Day by Day

Eastertide Day by Day
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3189  Price: £13.95

"His resurrection gives meaning to our own life. From now on, death is no longer an ending, but the entry into life, true life: that eternal life ...

Eucharistic Miracles

Eucharistic Miracles
Joan Carroll CruzCode: B0140  Price: £13.99

The story of 36 major Eucharistic Miracles from Lanciano, Italy in 800 to Stich, Bavaria in 1970. Details the official investigations

Everyday Meditations

Everyday Meditations
John Henry NewmanCode: B2158  Price: £10.99

Over the years, the brilliant and often voluminous scholarly writings of Bl. John Henry Newman (1801-1890), have drawn into the Church thousands ...

Fathers Manual - Deluxe Hardbound

Fathers Manual - Deluxe Hardbound
A. Francis Coomes, SJCode: B1638  Price: £13.50

The Original Fathers' Manual. Spiritual aids for the husband and father. Accommodates a long felt need for prayer and guidance

Forty Hours Devotional

Forty Hours Devotional
Fr Fulgence Meyer, OFMCode: B3267  Price: £26.95   £25.95

This gorgeous devotional book with gilt edging and ribbon is destined to be a treasured classic in your collection!

This book contains ...

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