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The Immaculata Our Ideal

The Immaculata Our Ideal
Fr. Karl Stehlin, FSSPXCode: B2676  Price: £20.95

What is the first thing you think of when you hear "St. Maximilian Kolbe"? If it's "holocaust" or "concentration camp" then you're a victim of the ...

The Last Mass of Padre Pio

The Last Mass of Padre Pio
Alessandro Gnocchi & Mario PalmaroCode: B3165  Price: £14.50   £13.95

On September 23, 1968 after having borne the stigmata for exactly 50 years, the saintly Padre Pio died. This holy mystic spent his life as a living ...

The Life of Saint Gemma Galgani

The Life of Saint Gemma Galgani
Ven. Fr. Germanus C.P.Code: B1907  Price: £23.50

St. Gemma Galgani (1878-1903) was a mystic, stigmatist, visionary, ecstatic, victim soul, discerner of spirits, seer of hidden things, prophetess

The Life of St Thomas Aquinas

The Life of St Thomas Aquinas
William of ToccoCode: B3383  Price: £21.95

This book was used as part of the canonization process for St. Thomas Aquinas. It is published in English for the first time and translated by David ...

The Way of Divine Love

The Way of Divine Love
Sister Josefa MenéndezCode: B3265  Price: £27.45

Sister Josefa Menéndez was born into a devoutly Catholic family in Madrid, Spain on February 4, 1890. Endowed with an aptitude for prayer and drawn ...

Women of Hope

Women of Hope
Terry PolakovicCode: B3242  Price: £14.99

Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, in her most troubled and turbulent times, God has raised up great saints as beacons of hope in the ...

A Course in Christian Mysticism

A Course in Christian Mysticism
Thomas MertonCode: B3186  Price: £18.50

Thomas Merton's lectures to the young monastics at the Abbey of Gethsemani provide a good look at Merton the scholar. A Course in Christian ...

A Retreat with St. Therese

A Retreat with St. Therese
Rev. Pere Liagre, C.S.Sp.Code: B2338  Price: £8.50

From the preface: The object of this book is the exposition of the spiritual teaching of St. Therese, known as the Little Way of Spiritual Childhood

An Investigation Concerning the State (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 10)

An Investigation Concerning the State (Collected Works of Edith Stein, Vol 10)
Translated by Marianne SawickiCode: B2594  Price: £18.95

Any state exists only for the benefit of human beings. This basic tenet of Edith Stein's political thought rests on her conviction that humanity is ...

Angel Prayers

Angel Prayers
Val ConlonCode: B1059  Price: £6.50

This book brings together some powerful intercession and protection prayers to our celestial friends.

Angels and Devils

Angels and Devils
Joan Carroll CruzCode: B0236  Price: £13.99

Easy to read, this book covers just about everything you would want to know on the subject, complete with illustrations.

Augustine of Hippo

Augustine of Hippo
Ben O'RourkeCode: B2570  Price: £2.95

Introduction to the conversion story of one of the Church's greatest saints. St Augustine was a bishop, is a father of the Church and a Doctor of ...

Autobiography of St Margaret Mary

Autobiography of St Margaret Mary
St Margaret MaryCode: B0195  Price: £12.50

Intimate insights from the saint to whom Our Lord gave the Sacred Heart revelations. Includes Our Lord's own words to her and tells how she sought ...

Beatification of Titus Brandsma, Carmelite

Beatification of Titus Brandsma, Carmelite
Redemptus Maria Valabek, O. CarmCode: B1102  Price: £4.95

A written record of the beatification ceremony for Fr. Titus Brandsma on November 3, 1985 and the related events which took place literally around ...

Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood

Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood
Michael R Heinlein, edCode: B3237  Price: £7.99

The Church in the United States is greatly blessed by the contributions of Black Catholics and the legacy of holiness of so many men and women of ...

Blessed Marie Celine of the Presentation

Blessed Marie Celine of the Presentation
Poor ClaresCode: B1447  Price: £16.50

Compiled by the Poor Clares of Rockford, Illinois. Beatification Sept., 2007. This 19-year-old girl, Germaine Castang, suffered much in a ...

By Love Alone

By Love Alone
Ed. HollingsCode: B0262  Price: £3.99

Daily readings with St Therese of Lisieux. Thérèse of Lisieux is among today's most popular and best-loved saints. Yet she entered a Carmelite ...

Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition

Carmelite Spirituality in the Teresian Tradition
Paul-Marie of the Cross, OCDCode: B0320  Price: £12.50

Identifies the principal texts, themes and teachings of Carmel.

Collected Poems of St Therese of Lisieux

Collected Poems of St Therese of Lisieux
Alan Bancroft, translatorCode: B0241  Price: £12.99

Seventy two poems of this remarkable nun, translated into English. Scholarly and sensitive in his interpretation, Alan Bancroft captures the ...

Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, Volume 2: Letters From Carmel

Complete Works of Elizabeth of The Trinity, Volume 2: Letters From Carmel
A. E. Nash, trans.Code: B0301  Price: £19.95

This second of three volumes of her Complete Works contains all of Elizabeth's surviving letters from Carmel, along with 8 photos

Cure d'Ars

Cure d'Ars
Abbé Francis TrochuCode: B2581  Price: £27.45

Here is the amazing account of how this simple man, without great expectations beyond saving souls, transformed an insignificant backwater parish in ...

Devotion to St Rita: Healer of the Impossible

Devotion to St Rita: Healer of the Impossible
Val ConlonCode: B3372  Price: £6.50

This prayer book brings together all the prayers, litanies and novenas to Padre Pio including many of the prayers he used to pray during his life

Dewi Sant: Saint David Patron of Wales

Dewi Sant: Saint David Patron of Wales
J B MidgleyCode: B1927  Price: £6.99

March 1st is St David's Day, the national day of Wales and has been celebrated as such since the twelfth century. Descended from Welsh royalty

Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena

Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of SienaCode: B2582  Price: £21.95

St. Catherine of Siena is recognized as one of the most remarkable mystical theologians of the Middle Ages. She was also a stigmatist

Discovering Edith Stein: in a daisy wreath of friends

Discovering Edith Stein: in a daisy wreath of friends
Pat Lyne, OCDSCode: B1012  Price: £9.99   £7.99

A sequel to her popular biography of Edith Stein 'Edith Stein Discovered', this is Pat Lyne's personal memoir, whose central thread is her deepening ...

Dom Augustine Baker 1575-1641

Dom Augustine Baker 1575-1641
Ed. Geoffrey ScottCode: B1928  Price: £12.99

Augustine Baker OSB is arguably the most important English mystical teacher of the post-Reformation period. His output was prodigious

Door Through Darkness

Door Through Darkness
Sr. Eileen LyddonCode: B1543  Price: £8.95

Foreword, by Jordan Aumann, O.P. In this highly readable exploration of John of the Cross, Eileen Lyddon expresses beautifully that the heart of ...

Edith Stein: A Biography

Edith Stein: A Biography
Waltraud HerbstrithCode: B0864  Price: £15.50

The Untold Story of the Philosopher and Mystic Who Lost Her Life in the Death Camps of Auschwitz. This is the powerful and moving story of the ...

Edith Stein: Her Life in Photos and Documents (trans. W. Stein)

Edith Stein: Her Life in Photos and Documents (trans. W. Stein)
A. NeyerCode: B0311  Price: £14.95

Contains over 100 photographs and documents from her early childhood to her death in Auschwitz.

Edmund Campion

Edmund Campion
Richard SimpsonCode: B3239  Price: £25.00

A new and definitive life of Campion. Simpson's classic biography has been thoroughly revised and enlarged by Fr Peter Joseph

Edmund Campion - A Life

Edmund Campion - A Life
Evelyn WaughCode: B1747  Price: £14.99

Evelyn Waugh presented his biography of St. Edmund Campion, the Elizabethan poet, scholar and gentleman who became the haunted

Elizabeth Prout: 1820-1864

Elizabeth Prout: 1820-1864
Edna HamerCode: B1942  Price: £15.99

A Religious Life for Industrial England. A revised edition of this classic biography of a remarkable woman, a heroine of the Industrial Revolution ...

Francisco Palau

Francisco Palau
tr. Carmelite MissionariesCode: B0621  Price: £1.50

Apostle and founder. Short biography.

Handbook of Devotion to Saint Therese: The Little Way

Handbook of Devotion to Saint Therese: The Little WayCode: B1556  Price: £6.50

A wonderful book of prayers, novenas , devotions and facts on St Therese of Lisieux that will help you to follow "The Little Way" of complete ...

Handbook of Devotion to St Francis

Handbook of Devotion to St FrancisCode: B2075  Price: £6.50

Follow in the Footprints of Christ. An inspiring book about St. Francis' extraordinary life, complete with his prayers, litanies, invocations

He Is My Heaven: The Life Of Elizabeth of The Trinity

He Is My Heaven: The Life Of Elizabeth of The Trinity
J. MoorcroftCode: B0302  Price: £10.95

"I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul" Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity. The author encapsulates Elizabeth's ...

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