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Childrens Books

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Catholic Children's books, including Bibles and Bible stories, lives of saints, colouring books, Mass books (missals), and a wealth of material for young people's Catholic Faith Formation.

Featured Products
Colouring Book - about Jesus

Colouring Book - about Jesus
Emma C McKeanCode: B2420  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about Jesus explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with stories of Jesus in Rhyme. 8

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph
Francesca FabrisCode: B1962  Price: £4.95

The life of Mary's husband and Jesus' foster father for children. Accompanied by vivid illustrations, this re-telling of the life of St Joseph shows ...

Marian Children's Missal

Marian Children's Missal
Sr. Mary Theola, S.S.N.D.Code: B1397  Price: £12.50

If you have a child aged 4-8 and are looking for a Traditional Latin Mass Missal suited to their capabilities, look no further

The Children of Fatima

The Children of Fatima
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3200  Price: £9.99

And Our Lady's Message to the World. "What if nothing happens on the 13th? Aren't you afraid people will laugh at you?" asked the parish priest as ...

Colouring Book - The Mass

Colouring Book - The Mass
Emma C McKeanCode: B2098  Price: £3.75

The Mass explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with an explanation of the part of the Mass in Rhyme. 8

A Child's Rule of Life

A Child's Rule of Life
Robert Hugh BensonCode: B3034  Price: £13.50

"It is not every one that can keep his childhood. Father Benson has, and speaks to children bout the great, big eternal things in a child's way

Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism

Saint Joseph First Communion CatechismCode: B2271  Price: £8.50

The New St. Joseph First Communion Catechism contains the revised text of the Official Baltimore Catechism No. 0 in a user-friendly format and ...

Chloe and Jack visit the Vatican

Chloe and Jack visit the Vatican
Kathleen PearceCode: B1205  Price: £7.00   £6.00

Chloe is visiting the Vatican with her family. She is fortunate to meet an excellent young guide in the person of Jack

Highway to Heaven: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (6th grade)

Highway to Heaven: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (6th grade)
Edward A. FitzpatrickCode: B2957  Price: £13.50

Produced by the Marquette Univerity Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930's

Our Holy Faith: 2nd Grade: Jesus Comes - Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 2nd Grade: Jesus Comes - Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2970  Price: £8.25

Jesus Comes is the 2nd grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is based on the First Communion Catechism Confraternity Edition

The Bible in Pictures

The Bible in PicturesCode: B3223  Price: £39.95

A Child's Introduction to Scripture . The Bible in Pictures is a gorgeous cloth-bound, silver-foiled, large format pictorial reader for young ...

The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection

The Way of the Cross: Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection
Inos BiffiCode: B1681  Price: £4.99

A children's guide to the celebration of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Day. Strong and lively illustrations ...

Cenacle House Ltd