Holy Face Devotion
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Lauds of the Transfiguration & Sunday Compline - CD

Lauds of the Transfiguration & Sunday Compline - CDCode: M0203  Price: £13.25

Gregorian Chant from the monks of Pluscarden Abbey in Scotland. Lauds of the Transfiguration and Sunday Compline by the Pluscarden Abbey Choir.

Benedict XVI: The Pope Emeritus - DVD

Benedict XVI: The Pope Emeritus - DVDCode: M0476  Price: £16.95

"Benedict XVI: The Pope Emeritus" shows us the great milestones of his life: professor, expert of the Second Vatican Council

Audiobook: Boy Heroes - MP3

Audiobook: Boy Heroes - MP3
Dom Alban Fruth, OSBCode: M0330  Price: £18.25

Do you want to know how to make the Heart of Jesus glad? Then listen to the stories about Tonio Martinez and Andrew de Thaye

The Mission - DVD

The Mission - DVDCode: M0362  Price: £11.95

Starring Robert de Niro and Jeremy Irons. Sweeping and visually resplendent, The Mission is a powerful action epic about a man of the sword (Robert ...

En Avant - An Introduction to Augustus Welby Pugin

En Avant - An Introduction to Augustus Welby PuginCode: M0229  Price: £7.95   £5.95

Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (1812-1852) - regarded as one of the most important figures of the 19th century and one of England's finest ...

Elizabeth of the Trinity: Boundless Love - DVD

Elizabeth of the Trinity: Boundless Love - DVDCode: M0184  Price: £28.50

Carmel, Dijon. This DVD, created to mark the centenary of her death in 2006, follows Elisabeth Catez who was later to become Elizabeth of the ...

Rosie goes to Church - DVD

Rosie goes to Church - DVDCode: M0180  Price: £14.50

Includes: 52 page booklet; CD - Side 1: Responses and instructions, Side 2: Responses only ; A laminated serving card; All in a moulded plastic case ...

The Story of Walsingham - DVD

The Story of Walsingham - DVD
Joanna BogleCode: M0455  Price: £12.95

"When England returns to Walsingham, Our Lady will return to England," said Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903). Take a journey through 1000 years of English ...

Christ the King: Does God Have any Rights in Society? - Audio CD

Christ the King: Does God Have any Rights in Society? - Audio CDCode: M0310  Price: £11.25

Talk by the Brazilian Apologist: Raymond de Souza. Audio CD.

Catholic Latin Classics - CD

Catholic Latin Classics - CD
Cathedral Singers of Chicago, Conductor: Richard ProulxCode: M0466  Price: £16.95

This recording is a "must-have" for any music collection.

The songs contained in the volumes of the Catholic Classics series have stood test of ...

Discovering St Augustine's Ramsgate - DVD

Discovering St Augustine's Ramsgate - DVD
Bishop Athanasius SchneiderCode: M0483  Price: £4.95

Pugin's Masterpiece in Ramsgate

The church of St Augustine in Ramsgate is the most personal and perfect design of the great architect

The Story and Prayers of Divine Mercy, CD

The Story and Prayers of Divine Mercy, CDCode: M0172  Price: £14.50

This CD narrates the story of Divine Mercy and of Saint Faustina, including the story of Ugo Festa and his miraculous healing

Cenacle House Ltd