Holy Face Devotion

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Shrines and Apparitions

Marian Devotion is devotion directed to the person of Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Devotion to the Virgin Mary does not, however, amount to worship - which is reserved for God. Our Lady is subordinate to Christ, but uniquely so, in that she is above all other creatures

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Our Lady of Zeitoun

Our Lady of ZeitounCode: B3241  Price: £6.50

In Zeitoun (Egypt), hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the Apparitions, all at the same time. Christians, Muslims, Jews

Fatima's Message

Fatima's Message
Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. CirrincioneCode: B2270  Price: £2.75

Summarizes the Fatima messages as a return to a life of prayer, to the traditional prayer life of the Catholic Church, especially to prayer before ...

Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven

Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven
BookletCode: B0828  Price: £3.99

A great little booklet covering every aspect of Fatima - the story, the message, the meaning for today. Fatima is the hope of the world! Tells about ...

Rosa Mystica

Rosa Mystica
BookletCode: B0640  Price: £6.50

The story of the Rosa Mystica - the apparitions at Montichiari Fontanelle in Italy - with the Rosa Mystica Novena.

Biblical Symbolism and the Third Secret of Fatima

Biblical Symbolism and the Third Secret of FatimaCode: B2734  Price: £3.00

When the Holy See published the Third Secret of Fatima on June 26, 2000, many became skeptical and were disappointed because it did not meet with ...

Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion

Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion
David BaldwinCode: B2778  Price: £3.50

This book is the ideal pilgrim guide to Fatima especially in this centenary year 2017, in which the author tells the story of Fatima

The Holy Mountain of La Salette

The Holy Mountain of La Salette
Rev William UllathorneCode: B1858  Price: £14.95

It was only eight years after our Sorrowful Mother appeared to the shepherd children in the south of France, that Bishop Ullathorne took up his pen ...

The Wonder of Guadalupe

The Wonder of Guadalupe
Francis JohnstonCode: B0573  Price: £13.99

Considered the best book on the apparition of Our Lady in 1531 in Mexico City. It shows that the picture is not a painting

A Gateway to Heaven - A Message for All

A Gateway to Heaven - A Message for AllCode: B2828  Price: £7.50

A unique interpretation of the Apparition at Knock and a new perspective of a message for the whole world. It's been said that this apparition was ...

Fatima - Past or Future

Fatima - Past or Future
Antionio A BorelliCode: B2109  Price: £9.95

The unheeded message. A new British edition of a work that narrates the apparitions and messages of the Most Holy Virgin at Fatima, Portugal in 1917

Fatima and the Third Secret

Fatima and the Third SecretCode: B3274  Price: £7.95

A Historical Examination based on a Letter of Sister Lúcia & the Carmelite Biography. After the publication of the Third Secret of Fatima on June 26

Medjugorje Complete

Medjugorje Complete
Donal Anthony FoleyCode: B3243  Price: £22.00

Looks at the alleged visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, their origins, and their impact on the Catholic Church

Prophetic Messages for Our Times

Prophetic Messages for Our Times
E. Mary ChristieCode: B2674  Price: £11.50

In a world lost in darkness and confusion, our merciful God refuses to give up or abandon His beloved people. Even in these times of worldly ...

Shrines of Our Lady in England

Shrines of Our Lady in England
Anne VailCode: B0899  Price: £9.99

Anne Vail spent a year visiting 29 of the 60 main English shrines, dating mostly from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries

The Miraculous Image of the Madonna of Rimini

The Miraculous Image of the Madonna of RiminiCode: B2393  Price: £9.50

The Mother of Mercy was painted in 1796 by Giuseppe Soleri Brancaleoni as a replica of the miraculous image venerated in the Oratory of St.Girolamo

The Secret of La Salette Revealed

The Secret of La Salette Revealed
Val ConlonCode: B2599  Price: £6.50

The original story of the Message of La Salette, approved by Pope Pius IX, published here in modern English. It is a story and a message giving ...

Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to Medjugorje

Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to Medjugorje
Val ConlonCode: B3366  Price: £6.95

Down through the history of the world Our Lady has continually returned to earth, to ask us to pray for peace and to help bring people to God

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Fatima for Today

Fatima for Today
Fr Andrew Apostoli, CFRCode: B1752  Price: £14.99Sorry, out of stock

The Urgent Marian Message of Hope. Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady's call to prayer and ...

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Fatima The Great Sign

Fatima The Great Sign
Francis JohnstonCode: B1046  Price: £12.99Sorry, out of stock

The story, the message, and the meaning. Penetrates deeply into the theology of Fatima: the Rosary, daily duty, Eucharistic reparation

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The Fourth Secret of Fatima

The Fourth Secret of Fatima
Antonio SocciCode: B1551  Price: £12.95Sorry, out of stock

This important discussion of the Third part of the famous Secret of Fatima that was supposed to be released to the world in the 1940s or in 1960 'at ...

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Message of Walsingham

Message of Walsingham
R W Connelly, SMCode: B0836  Price: £3.50Sorry, out of stock

The Ancient Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, England's national shrine, sits in a tiny village on the north coast of East Anglia

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