Home > Seasonal and Sacraments > Baptism and Baby Gifts > Baptism Books and Bibles
White Presentation BibleRev. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D.Code: B0113 Price: £25.00
White Gift Bible in Presentation Box - beautiful gift for First Communion, Baptism etc. White imitation leather binding for this classic Catholic ...
Baby's First Prayer BookCode: B1633 Price: £0.55
Every Catholic child needs a record of his precious early years. Great as a baby gift! This beautifully illustrated baby record book is filled with ...
Your Labor of Love: A Spiritual Companion for Expectant MothersAgnes PennyCode: B0624 Price: £11.95
The author shares the Catholic solutions she found to the problems and struggles of pregnancy, with 36 short chapters on everything the expectant ...
A Welcome for your Child: A Guide to Baptism for ParentsJulie Kavanagh and Maeve MahonCode: B1415 Price: £9.75Sorry, out of stock
The sacrament of baptism welcomes a child into the family of God in a special way. In the course of its celebration those present will experience a ...
The Baptism BookCode: B1082 Price: £3.25Sorry, out of stock
Contains the Rite of Baptism during Mass., for one child and for several children From this well-known Liturgical book range
Your Baby's BaptismAndrew MooreCode: B1692 Price: £5.99Sorry, out of stock
In Baptism a child, assisted by parents and godparents, takes an important first step in coming to know Jesus and the community of faith, the Church