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Childrens Books

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Catholic Children's books, including Bibles and Bible stories, lives of saints, colouring books, Mass books (missals), and a wealth of material for young people's Catholic Faith Formation.

Featured Products
St Margaret Mary

St Margaret Mary
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3198  Price: £12.50

And the Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The story for children ten and up of the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to a holy French ...

Our Holy Faith: 4th Grade: The Vine and the Branches

Our Holy Faith: 4th Grade: The Vine and the Branches
VariousCode: B2972  Price: £14.95   £13.95

The Vine and the Branches is the 4th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the Liturgy and the ...

Colouring Book - about Jesus

Colouring Book - about Jesus
Emma C McKeanCode: B2420  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about Jesus explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with stories of Jesus in Rhyme. 8

The Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3203  Price: £7.99

The Story of Our Lady's Appearances to Saint Catherine Laboure. Sister, it couldn't have happened! declared the priest. "It was all a dream

The Mass for Boys and Girls

The Mass for Boys and Girls
Fr Joseph DunneyCode: B2714  Price: £10.50

Written by Fr. Joseph Dunney, the author of the popularly acclaimed "The Mass". This book was penned specifically with young boys and girls in mind

100 Ideas for Catechism - Vol 1

100 Ideas for Catechism - Vol 1
Silvia Vecchini. Illustrations by Studio Il Sualzo.Code: B3418  Price: £15.00

This photocopiable book of worksheets provides a rich repertoire of ideas covering the seasons of the liturgical year and the main Christian feasts

Our Holy Faith: 7th Grade: Christ in Promise

Our Holy Faith: 7th Grade: Christ in Promise
VariousCode: B2978  Price: £20.95   £19.95

Christ in Promise, in Person and in His Church is the 7th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is a complete chronological treatment of ...

The Big Book of Catholic Traditions and Customs

The Big Book of Catholic Traditions and Customs
Beth Branigan McNamara, Sue Robinson, Anne E NeubergerCode: B0328  Price: £19.99

This classroom-tested book shows you step-by-step how to make learning fun for children ages 3 to 8, and beyond, leading them through Advent


YOUCATCode: B2725  Price: £12.95

DOCAT is the latest title in the international best-selling YOUCAT series for young people. With its focus on the social teaching of the Catholic ...

The Wonder Story

The Wonder Story
Marion Ames TaggartCode: B3030  Price: £6.95

This sweet book for children is just one of a set of four by the same author, lovingly restored from the 1920s originals

Rosie Goes to Church

Rosie Goes to Church
Kathleen PearceCode: B1203  Price: £7.00

The naturally inquisitive mind of a child wants to know the answers to so many questions. Churches are special places which can fascinate children

The Little Flower

The Little Flower
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3202  Price: £9.99

The Story of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. "Papa, what's the new baby's name?" asked one of the Martin girls.

Little Therese was "the baby" of ...

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