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Books on the Blessed Virgin Mary, Marian Devotion, Marian Shrines and Apparitions of Our Lady. See also Rosary Prayer Books
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Our Lady Untier of Knots

Our Lady Untier of Knots
Miguel Cuartero SamperiCode: B2410  Price: £3.95

During his studies in Germany, Pope Francis encountered a local devotion centred on an image of Our Lady in the Church of St Peter in Augsburg

The Miraculous Medal: the many sides of the Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal: the many sides of the Miraculous Medal
BookletCode: B0178  Price: £6.50

History of the Miraculous Medal, and prayers. "Have a medal struck upon this model. Everyone who wears it, when it is blessed

The Miraculous Image of the Madonna of Rimini

The Miraculous Image of the Madonna of RiminiCode: B2393  Price: £9.50

The Mother of Mercy was painted in 1796 by Giuseppe Soleri Brancaleoni as a replica of the miraculous image venerated in the Oratory of St.Girolamo

Mary - the Second Eve

Mary - the Second Eve
John Henry NewmanCode: B2066  Price: £1.99

Compiled by Sr Eileen Breen, FMA, from the Writings of John Henry Newman. "The extracts are arranged systematically so as to provide continuous ...

The Admirable Heart of Mary

The Admirable Heart of Mary
St John EudesCode: B1420  Price: £13.99

One of the most prolific ascetical writers of the seventeenth century, Saint John Eudes was an inexhaustible reservoir of holy wisdom and devotional ...

Mary in Our Life

Mary in Our Life
Fr William G MostCode: B2507  Price: £15.50   £14.95

For the first time in the history of Marian writing, here is a book that co-ordinates and integrates the dogmatic truths underlying devotion to Mary ...

Illustrated Book of Mary

Illustrated Book of Mary
Ed. Fr Michael SullivanCode: B2831  Price: £13.95

Full colour book of the Blessed Virgin Mary, featuring Rosary Novenas, Marian Prayers, Apparitions and Much More. Suitable for Adults and Children.

Meditations on Mary

Meditations on Mary
Jacques-Bénigne BossuetCode: B2652  Price: £13.99

Edited and translated by Christopher O Blum. Spiritual meditation is the surest way to grow in holiness, and Our Lady is truly an example of ...

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Fr Nicholas A NormanCode: B0187  Price: £3.99

The essence of St. Louis De Montfort's True Devotion to Mary and the message of Fatima. Gives the principal reasons, how to

The Wonder of Guadalupe

The Wonder of Guadalupe
Francis JohnstonCode: B0573  Price: £13.99

Considered the best book on the apparition of Our Lady in 1531 in Mexico City. It shows that the picture is not a painting

Fatima's Message

Fatima's Message
Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. CirrincioneCode: B2270  Price: £2.75

Summarizes the Fatima messages as a return to a life of prayer, to the traditional prayer life of the Catholic Church, especially to prayer before ...

Prophetic Messages for Our Times

Prophetic Messages for Our Times
E. Mary ChristieCode: B2674  Price: £11.50

In a world lost in darkness and confusion, our merciful God refuses to give up or abandon His beloved people. Even in these times of worldly ...

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