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Holy Face Devotion

Rosary Warfare

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Rosary Warfare
Rosary WarfareRosary WarfareRosary Warfare
Our Price:  £20.95(VAT Free)

Product Code:  B2119
ISBN:  9780978049140
Publisher:  St Raphael Press
Format  Hardcover
Pages  160
Condition  New



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This beautiful prayer book contains numerous ways of praying the Rosary with many beautiful coloured pictures of stained glass windows to inspire the reader. Specially included are a Douay-Rheims Scriptural Rosary, two other Rosary formats with thoughts for each Hail Mary, the Rosary with additions to each Hail Mary, a Latin Vulgate Rosary and a Gregorian Chant Rosary. This book will be a great help for anyone wanting to meditate well upon the mysteries of the Rosary, alone or with others.

Publisher: St Raphael Press
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9780978049140
Keywords: Traditional Catholic Tradition books Traditional Prayer Books

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