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Study Missal

Study Missal
Our Price:  £65.00(VAT Free)

Product Code:  B3015
ISBN:  9781860827303
Publisher:  CTS
Format  Hardcover
Pages  1566
Condition  New



Special order, delayed despatch

Stock info: Special Order. Approximately 1-2 weeks delivery.

The Study Missal is a scaled-down reference version of the Altar Missal, designed for use in liturgical planning and study. For use in England, Wales and Scotland (only available in Australia from St Pauls; we cannot supply these directly to Australian customers as exclusive distribution rights are held by St Pauls).

It is also suitable as a highly portable Missal that priests can use for house Masses or when travelling.

It reproduces in full the contents of the Altar Missal, scaled down by 26% and in full colour. The pagination matches exactly both the Altar Missal and the Chapel Missal.

  • Binding. Bound in flexible Leatherlike.
  • Cover decoration. Gold decorative blocking on front, back and spine. Cruciform design based on Byzantine St George's cross.
  • Colour illustrations. Full-colour illustrations from the 12th-century Ingeborg Psalter (Musée Condé).
  • Ribbons. Six liturgically-coloured
  • 6mm-wide ribbons.
  • National Propers.Contains National Propers for England and Wales, Scotland, all placed throughout the Missal with each in its correct place (i.e. not placed separately in an appendix).
  • Index. Fully indexed, including National Propers.
  • Paper. High-contrast white 45 gsm paper throughout. Sustainably sourced, archive grade.
  • Text. Typeset in specially modified version of Stone font for maximum readability with rubrics in red. Size is 9.5 pt.
  • Music. Every preface is set to music in easy-to-read five-line notation.

Publisher: CTS
Pages: 1566
ISBN: 9781860827303
Keywords: Liturgy books Altar Missals

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