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Catholic Faith

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Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics
Rev. Henry Theiler, S.O. Cist.Code: B2341  Price: £3.95

This booklet correctly presents the teaching of the Church concerning sacramentals, specifically that of Holy water, and it likewise encourages in ...

A Brief Catechism for Adults

A Brief Catechism for Adults
Fr. William J. CoganCode: B1248  Price: £16.50

This masterpiece was designed with convert instruction in mind, and is perfect for the task. Taken from the notes of many priests who used these ...

The Priest: The Man of God

The Priest: The Man of God
St. Joseph CafassoCode: B1888  Price: £13.99

His Dignity and Duties. If every priest in the Church knew this book and practiced what it says, we would have a different Church

Catechism of the Holy Rosary (Including the Luminous Mysteries)

Catechism of the Holy Rosary (Including the Luminous Mysteries)
Fr Edwin GordonCode: B0993  Price: £1.50

"In the tradition of Ronald Knox, Father Gordon unites dogmatic precision with an attractive simplicity of style. This gem of a book is for everyone ...

The Conversion of Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne

The Conversion of Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne
Baron Théodore de BussieresCode: B2509  Price: £9.50

Alphonse Ratisbonne was a French Jew who was miraculously converted while at Rome in the Church of San Andrea della Frate

Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God?
Adrian LickorishCode: B3269  Price: £2.50

Examining the evidence. Here powerful reasoning and convincing evidence to support the belief that Jesus is God is set out using biblical and other ...

Dangers to the Faith

Dangers to the Faith
Al KrestaCode: B2139  Price: £12.50

Recognizing Catholicism's 21st Century Opponents. A storm has been brewing in society and its treatment, views, and activities toward the Catholic ...

Meditations before Mass

Meditations before Mass
Fr Romano GuardiniCode: B2276  Price: £10.99

With an Introduction by Archbishop Samuel J Aquila. The profound wisdom found in this Romano Guardini classic will help you to quiet your soul

Abide in My Love

Abide in My Love
Michael J Miller, translatorCode: B2781  Price: £14.95

Based on the 6th French edition (Paris: Téqui) This book was composed shortly after World War I by an Italian priest who wished to remain anonymous

The Why? Course Book

The Why? Course BookCode: B2234  Price: £4.95

Welcome to the WHY? Course, a three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith from the Catholic Truth Society. It is a new exciting

The Tiara and the Test Tube

The Tiara and the Test Tube
Paul HaffnerCode: B2363  Price: £14.99

The Pope and Science from the Medieval Period to the Present. A popular myth put about by secularists is that between the Church and science the ...

The Fullness of Truth

The Fullness of Truth
Rev. Thomas M. KocikCode: B2686  Price: £9.50

Catholicism and the World's Major Religions. Seeking wisdom wherever wisdom may be found, Father Kocik explores the world's major religions and ...

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