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Roman Catholic Tradition

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Roman Catholic Tradition, the Tridentine Mass, the Extraordinary Rite of the Mass, including Latin Missals, and Divine Office, traditional Bibles

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From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy
SSPXCode: B2677  Price: £4.95

In 2004, The SSPX sent a letter to all the Cardinals of the Church. This letter was accompanied by a hard hitting, but short and concise

The Latin Mass: Explained

The Latin Mass: Explained
Msgr. George MoormanCode: B1351  Price: £13.99

Everything Needed to Understand and Appreciate the Traditional Latin Mass. Fr. George Moorman. Extremely informative, but very easy to read! This ...

Roman Ritual Volume 1: Sacraments & Processions

Roman Ritual Volume 1: Sacraments & Processions
Fr Philip T WellerCode: B1385  Price: £67.00

Volume I (The Sacraments and Processions) contains the complete rites for 6 of the 7 sacraments and the traditional prayers and rubrics for the ...

Catechism of the Crisis

Catechism of the Crisis
Fr. Matthias GaudronCode: B1737  Price: £15.50

One would have to close one's eyes not to see that the Catholic Church is suffering a grave crisis. In the 1960's, at the time of the Second Vatican ...

Pocket Apologetic

Pocket Apologetic
Angelus PressCode: B3259  Price: £8.95

"Everyone that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men

Learning to Serve

Learning to Serve
Father Charles J. CarmodyCode: B2963  Price: £10.50

This 1961 classic contains all the valuable information that a young man needs in order to learn how to serve the traditional Latin Mass - yet it is ...

The Roman Rite Destroyed

The Roman Rite Destroyed
Michael DaviesCode: B2678  Price: £5.50

Twenty-five years ago when this work first was published, its purpose was to prove to the skeptic that the Roman Rite of Mass was in fact being ...

Lex Orandi Lex Credendi

Lex Orandi Lex Credendi
John WetherellCode: B1264  Price: £11.99

An examination of the ethos of the Tridentine Mass and that of the Novus Ordo of Pope Paul VI. Provides a well-researched introduction to the ...

Breviary Inserts (4-card set)

Breviary Inserts (4-card set)Code: B2516  Price: £7.50

Four inserts for Latin Breviary - in Latin only. Ad Laudes and Ad Vesperam Benedictiones, Hymnus Ambrosianus, Antiphonae Finales B. Mariae Virginae

The Modern Rite

The Modern Rite
Klaus GamberCode: B0646  Price: £9.95

Collected essays on the reform of the Liturgy. "The following collection of essays by me, almost all of which have appeared in the past two years

The Canons and Decrees of Trent and Vatican I

The Canons and Decrees of Trent and Vatican I
Forward by Charles A CoulombeCode: B3367  Price: £18.50   £14.50

In Latin and English. Here you will find all of the essential documents and infallible teachings of these two modern councils of the Catholic Church

Preparation for Confirmation

Preparation for Confirmation
Rev Francis Hunolt, SJCode: B1931  Price: £4.95

According to the Baltimore Catechism. An excellent way to prepare for, appreciate, and follow the rite of the sacrament of Confirmation

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