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Meditations on the Sunday Gospels - Year C

Meditations on the Sunday Gospels - Year C
John E RotelleCode: B1711  Price: £9.95

A meditation for each of the Sunday Gospels, Year C

Plainsong for Schools (Abridged)

Plainsong for Schools (Abridged)Code: B1186  Price: £4.50

Masses and other Chants, for Sundays, seasons, feasts, Requiem, Confirmation.

Second hand
The Heart of Newman: Synthesis by Erich Przywara S.J. (SH1993)

The Heart of Newman: Synthesis by Erich Przywara S.J. (SH1993)
John Henry NewmanCode: SH1993  Price: £25.00

Second Hand Book: Publisher: Burns and Oates, Year: 1963. First Edition. Condition: Used - Excellent. Dust Jacket. Cloth colour: black

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Why Catholics Cannot be Masons

Why Catholics Cannot be Masons
John SalzaCode: B1513  Price: £7.99Sorry, out of stock

Many good Catholic men have been deceived into becoming Masons. In this powerful little book, a Catholic attorney and former 32nd degree Mason

The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist

The Reality of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist
St John FisherCode: B3400  Price: £49.95

Protestants deny the Real Presence, but we as Catholics can and must defend it.

Did Jesus Christ, the God-man, truly bestow upon humanity the ...

The Biblical Basis for Purgatory

The Biblical Basis for Purgatory
John SalzaCode: B1887  Price: £12.50

Jesus taught us about it, and for centuries the Church has faithfully defined and defended it. Protestants deny it even exists

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Angels and Their Mission

Angels and Their Mission
Jean DanielouCode: B2477  Price: £12.50Sorry, out of stock

The truth about angels - according to the Fathers of the Church. From St. Augustine to John Henry Newman, the greatest among the saints and men of ...

Abortion: Yes or No?

Abortion: Yes or No?
John Grady, MDCode: B0916  Price: £2.50

Brief, clear, and thorough. Refutes all arguments for abortion.

Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal

Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and MissalCode: B1331  Price: £15.50

With Motu Proprio of Pope John XXIII and other Pertinent Documents.

This indispensable booklet contains the English translation of the Latin ...

Anti-Catholic Myths Debunked

Anti-Catholic Myths Debunked
Bishop Patrick John RyanCode: B2788  Price: £9.99

Five Common Misconceptions Answered and Explained. Many good people reject the Catholic Church for what they consider to be its absurd teachings

Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - DVD

Archbishop Lefebvre: A Documentary - DVDCode: M0367  Price: £14.95

Learn the true story of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of SSPX (Society of Pope Pius X). Excommunicated by Pope John Paul II for ordaining four ...

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The Fourth Secret of Fatima

The Fourth Secret of Fatima
Antonio SocciCode: B1551  Price: £12.95Sorry, out of stock

This important discussion of the Third part of the famous Secret of Fatima that was supposed to be released to the world in the 1940s or in 1960 'at ...

Joyfully Living the Gospel Day by Day

Joyfully Living the Gospel Day by Day
Rev. John CatoirCode: B2851  Price: £10.75

Each day contains a specific Scripture quotation, reflection, and prayer to encourage joyous participation in the Christian life

The Carmelite Way

The Carmelite Way
John Welch O. CarmCode: B0244  Price: £11.95

An Ancient Path for Today's Pilgrim. This popular introduction to contemplative living offers a unique opportunity to understand what can happen ...

Augustine Day by Day

Augustine Day by Day
Rev. John Rotelle, OSACode: B2849  Price: £11.50

Minute Meditations Taken from the Writings of Saint Augustine. Deluxe leatherette binding, with gold highlights, ribbon marker

Little Book of Holy Gratitude

Little Book of Holy Gratitude
Fr Frederick FaberCode: B2739  Price: £12.50

Sharp penance for remembered sins helps stouthearted Christians seize heaven, but gentler souls like Our Blessed Lady and scores of her saints have ...

On Your Baby's Baptism - Boy Card

On Your Baby's Baptism - Boy CardCode: A0219  Price: £3.25

Baptism card, suitable for baby baptism. Inside text: May all the graces and blessings of the Sacrament of Baptism remain with your child always

Christ upon the Waters

Christ upon the Waters
Cardinal John Henry NewmanCode: B2903  Price: £3.50

When the Catholic hierarchy in England was restored in 1850, Dr Newman preached at the installation of the first Bishop of Birmingham

The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars

The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars
St John Marie-Baptist VianneyCode: B0844  Price: £10.99

Catholic wisdom stated in a simple, sublime, penetrating way. His sage counsel on 36 important topics. Probably the most persuasive exhortation ever ...

Catechism of the Holy Rosary (Including the Luminous Mysteries)

Catechism of the Holy Rosary (Including the Luminous Mysteries)
Fr Edwin GordonCode: B0993  Price: £1.50

"In the tradition of Ronald Knox, Father Gordon unites dogmatic precision with an attractive simplicity of style. This gem of a book is for everyone ...

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Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by a Special Minister

Administration of Communion and Viaticum to the Sick by a Special MinisterCode: B1185  Price: £4.50Sorry, out of stock

Approved for use in the dioceses of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Includes Rite of Communion of the Sick, Short Rite (for use when there are ...

Seven Lies About Catholic History

Seven Lies About Catholic History
Diane MoczarCode: B1695  Price: £13.99

Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them. The world hates the Church that Jesus founded, just as He said it would (John 15:18)

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Saint Therese of Lisieux: Story of a Soul: Study Edition

Saint Therese of Lisieux: Story of a Soul: Study Edition
Translation by John Clarke, O.C.D.Code: B1274  Price: £16.95Sorry, out of stock

Prepared by Marc Foley, O.C.D. This study edition is designed to assist contemporary readers to apply the spiritual insights of Story of a Soul to ...

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A Year with the Church Fathers

A Year with the Church Fathers
Mike AquilinaCode: B1658  Price: £32.95   £30.00Sorry, out of stock

A Year with the Church Fathers - Patristic Wisdom For Daily Living. Times change, but human nature does not. Neither do the daily struggles that all ...

Golden Jubilee Card - Cross

Golden Jubilee Card - CrossCode: P0326  Price: £2.95

Card for 50th Anniversary of Ordination or Profession: On your Golden Jubilee. White with gold embossed design. Inside Wording: May Our Lord's ...

Why Go to Confession?

Why Go to Confession?
Fr John FladerCode: B1578  Price: £3.95

Read about the benefits and practice of the sacrament. The purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it ...

The Teachings of the Church Fathers

The Teachings of the Church Fathers
John Willis SJCode: B0961  Price: £17.99

This compendium of texts from the Church Fathers is divided into more than 250 doctrinal topics, to form a comprehensive selection and useful ...

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Fr John Croiset, S.J.Code: B0138  Price: £16.50

How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion. Written by the spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary(1647-1690), a man intimately familiar with every ...

33 Day Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

33 Day Consecration to Jesus Through Mary
Compiled by John Pridmore and Niall SlatteryCode: B2424  Price: £4.50

Inspired by St Louis Marie de Monfort. This describes how anyone, of any age or background, may consecrate their heart to Jesus, through Mary

Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church

Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church
ed. Robert Dodaro, O.S.ACode: B2399  Price: £18.99

In this volume five cardinals of the Church, and four other scholars, respond to the call issued by Walter Cardinal Kasper for the Church to ...

A Simple Rosary Book

A Simple Rosary Book
Donal FoleyCode: B2286  Price: £3.50

Enriched by the history, customs and scripture that surround the Holy Rosary, many today are rediscovering this prayer which lies at the heart of ...

Godson Communion Card

Godson Communion CardCode: F0391  Price: £3.25

God child Communion Card 'To a Dear Godson on Your First Holy Communion'. Inside text: 'God Bless you on your First Holy Communion'

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Gaudium et Spes: On the Church in the Modern World

Gaudium et Spes: On the Church in the Modern World
Vatican Council IICode: B2050  Price: £4.95Sorry, out of stock

Key text on Church - World relations of the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II was one of the most significant events in the life of the modern ...

A Divine Gift - The Consecrated Life

A Divine Gift - The Consecrated Life
Sr Mary David TotahCode: B2434  Price: £2.50

This unique booklet explains the origins in the Gospel and the continuing value of the Consecrated life as a sign of God's love to the Church and to ...

Cure d'Ars

Cure d'Ars
Abbé Francis TrochuCode: B2581  Price: £27.45

Here is the amazing account of how this simple man, without great expectations beyond saving souls, transformed an insignificant backwater parish in ...

The Way of the Cross with the Saints

The Way of the Cross with the Saints
John CollinsCode: B3208  Price: £3.50

A fruitful way to walk the dark steps to Calvary with Jesus. In this unique Way of the Cross (Stations of the Cross), we pray each station with a ...

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