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 Search for:    Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)        Compare Selected
Give Yourself to Christ: First Homilies of Benedict XVI

Give Yourself to Christ: First Homilies of Benedict XVI
Benedict XVICode: B0800  Price: £2.50

This collection of the homilies given by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger during the period between the death of John Paul II, and his own election and ...

Benedict XVI: Light of the World

Benedict XVI: Light of the World
Benedict XVI, with Peter SeewaldCode: B1679  Price: £14.95

The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times. An interview with Peter Seewald. The first ever book-length interview with a Pope

Pope John's Council: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. II

Pope John's Council: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. II
Michael DaviesCode: B1591  Price: £28.95

This second edition of Pope John's Council contains new material, selected and edited by Michael Davies shortly before his death

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Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III

Pope Paul's New Mass: Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III
Michael DaviesCode: B1592  Price: £28.95Sorry, out of stock

Pope Paul's New Mass is the third and final book of the Liturgical Revolution trilogy. It is the unparalleled history of how the New Mass was ...

God is Near Us: The Eucharist, The Heart of Life

God is Near Us: The Eucharist, The Heart of Life
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)Code: B0639  Price: £14.99

Cardinal Ratzinger compellingly shows us the biblical, historical, and theological dimensions of the Eucharist. From these he draws far reaching ...

 Search for:    Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)        Compare Selected

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