Angel PrayersVal ConlonCode: B1059 Price: £6.50
This book brings together some powerful intercession and protection prayers to our celestial friends.
Protect Your Home: Enthronement to the Divine MercyVal ConlonCode: B0920 Price: £5.50
The Prayers to Enthrone the image of Divine Mercy into your home.
The Secrets of Medjugorje: Handbook of Devotion to Our Lady of MedjugorjeVal ConlonCode: B1366 Price: £6.50
This prayer book was inspired by the Apparitions of Our Lady in Medjugorje. It helps the reader to understand these extraordinary events and ...
The Secret of La Salette RevealedVal ConlonCode: B2599 Price: £6.50
The original story of the Message of La Salette, approved by Pope Pius IX, published here in modern English. It is a story and a message giving ...
St Brigid: Mary of the GaelVal ConlonCode: B2282 Price: £6.50
This devotional book has a short history of one of Ireland's Patron Saints. It also has the Litany to St. Brigid, other prayers and devotions and ...
Healing PrayersVal ConlonCode: B1002 Price: £6.50
Beautiful book of prayers for healing and prayers for the sick, focussing on Saint Faustina and The Divine Mercy, but also including many other ...
Handbook of Devotion to Saint Joseph: The Untold Story of St JosephVal ConlonCode: B1555 Price: £6.50
This book contains wisdom and understanding of this great Saint that could change your life. St. Joseph can help you overcome obstacles and achieve ...
Devotion to St Rita: Healer of the ImpossibleVal ConlonCode: B3372 Price: £6.50
This prayer book brings together all the prayers, litanies and novenas to Padre Pio including many of the prayers he used to pray during his life
I Will Wait at the Gates of Heaven: Handbook of Devotion to St PioVal ConlonCode: B1919 Price: £6.50
The Saint of a Thousand Miracles: Handbook of Devotion to St AnthonyVal ConlonCode: B1406 Price: £5.50
Saint Anthony is not just a finder of lost keys of a lost wallet. He has also been a finder of cures, of jobs, and homes and the finder of many ...
Jesus You Take Over: Surrender NovenaVal ConlonCode: B2660 Price: £6.50
With a Past that we cannot change, with a Future we cannot foresee, it is in the Present moment that we have to Trust and Surrender to God's Mercy
Unfailing Novena to Our Lady Untier (Undoer) of KnotsVal ConlonCode: B2145 Price: £5.50
A devotion dear to Pope Francis, this novena is linked with the daily Rosary and it invites you to bring to Our Lady, for nine days, each day
Understanding Mary: 2000 years of Apparitions: Zaragoza to MedjugorjeVal ConlonCode: B3366 Price: £6.95
Down through the history of the world Our Lady has continually returned to earth, to ask us to pray for peace and to help bring people to God
St Jude Thaddeus: Helper in Desperate CasesVal ConlonCode: B1045 Price: £4.99
In desperate circumstances, the Faithful have always turned to the sure help of St. Jude Thaddeus - Apostle, cousin of Our Lord and martyr for the ...