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Product Code: B2764ISBN: 9780975854204Publisher: LoretoFormat PaperbackPages 96Condition New
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At the dawn of the 20th century, six sermons were preached by a Benedictine priest in commemoration of men and women who loved God more than they loved themselves and who paid the ultimate price for their faithfulness. Now, at the dawn of a new century we can revisit their sacrifices and examine our own consciences to discover how much we love the God who gave us His only Son on Calvary and in the Holy Sacrifice of the altar.
Witnesses to the Holy Mass and other sermons was originally preached to inspire the faithful of England by recalling the sacrifices of the English martyrs who suffered during the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. As England needed conversion in those days, so too do our hearts need conversion today! Be inspired by the 40 Martyrs of England and Wales! Read about Sts. Thomas More, John Fisher, the Carthusian martyrs and many others who won the crown of martyrdom during this upheaval in England.
"Witnesses is an extraordinary book about love and sacrifice for the Eucharist! Reading it will inspire a greater devotion to the Catholic faith, especially the Mass. Once I began reading, I couldn't put it down. Once I finished, I couldn't wait to share it with others. Having read the book, I feel a greater desire to defend my faith even unto death. Thank you!" - Dede Laugesen, Director, Holy Baby! DVDs and President, The Rosary Project-
"The gripping stories recounted will inspire not only a devotion to these saints, but also a renewed passion for the holy Mass that these holy men and woment shed their blood to preserve." - The Catholic Answer-March/April 2005
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