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Colouring Book - about the Saints

Colouring Book - about the Saints
Emma C McKeanCode: B2418  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about the Saints explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with Saints stories in Rhyme. 8

Colouring Book - The Holy Bible

Colouring Book - The Holy Bible
Emma C McKeanCode: B2417  Price: £3.75

This colouring book about the Holy Bible explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with Bible stories in Rhyme. 8

Colouring Book - The Mass

Colouring Book - The Mass
Emma C McKeanCode: B2098  Price: £3.75

The Mass explained in Pictures and Rhymes. 32 pages of line drawings for colouring with an explanation of the part of the Mass in Rhyme. 8


YOUCATCode: B2725  Price: £12.95

DOCAT is the latest title in the international best-selling YOUCAT series for young people. With its focus on the social teaching of the Catholic ...

Heroes of God's Church

Heroes of God's Church
Rev. P. Henry MatimoreCode: B3158  Price: £12.50

This fifth grade volume in the Madonna Series is intended as a study in virtue using the stories of the Saints. Each one is presented

Highway to Heaven: The Highway to God (7th/8th grade)

Highway to Heaven: The Highway to God (7th/8th grade)
Edward A. FitzpatrickCode: B2958  Price: £16.50

Produced by the Marquette Univerity Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930's

Highway to Heaven: The Life of My Savior (2nd grade)

Highway to Heaven: The Life of My Savior (2nd grade)
A School Sister of Notre Dame (Author), Edward A. Fitzpatrick (Editor)Code: B2953  Price: £14.95

Produced by the Marquette Univerity Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930's

Jesus Our Savior - Book 2 - Colouring Book

Jesus Our Savior - Book 2 - Colouring Book
Father FrancisCode: B3080  Price: £3.95

Starts with the public life of our Lord. Topics include: John Baptizes Jesus, Jesus Blesses the Children, Jesus Teaches us How To Pray

Katie comes to Mass

Katie comes to Mass
Kathleen PearceCode: B1204  Price: £7.00

This is an ideal book for younger children who want to understand the Mass. The text of the Mass is the actual text introduced in 2011

Learning to Follow the Mass

Learning to Follow the Mass
Lisa BergmanCode: B2962  Price: £9.50

This missal is a brand-new way of looking at the Traditional Latin Mass!

* Instead of switching back and forth between the Latin and English ...

My Confession for Little Catholics

My Confession for Little Catholics
Francis McGradeCode: B2662  Price: £8.95

An invaluable resource for helping little Catholics understand God's personal love for them. It explains in terms children can understand: what sin ...

My Picture Book of First Communion

My Picture Book of First CommunionCode: B3215  Price: £17.95   £17.50

This beautifully illustrated book, with its companion, My Picture Book of First Confession, was originally written by a Dutch religious

My Picture Book of First Confession

My Picture Book of First ConfessionCode: B3216  Price: £17.50

This beautifully illustrated book, with its companion, My Picture Book of First Communion, was originally written by a Dutch religious

Opening Gifts: Confirmation

Opening Gifts: Confirmation
Sherry GieserCode: B2390  Price: £4.99

For younger children, providing a general introduction that can be developed as the child grows. A book to fill-in and colour

Our Colourful Church Year

Our Colourful Church Year
Kathleen PearceCode: B1207  Price: £6.00

We love to celebrate. We all remember birthday parties, with our parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends. In every season the Church ...

Our Holy Faith: 3rd Grade: God's Truths Help us Live - Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 3rd Grade: God's Truths Help us Live - Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2971  Price: £8.25

God's Truths Help Us Live is the 3rd grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the first half of the ...

Our Holy Faith: 4th Grade: The Vine and the Branches

Our Holy Faith: 4th Grade: The Vine and the Branches
VariousCode: B2972  Price: £14.95   £13.95

The Vine and the Branches is the 4th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the Liturgy and the ...

Our Holy Faith: 4th Grade: The Vine and the Branches Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 4th Grade: The Vine and the Branches Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2973  Price: £8.25

The Vine and the Branches is the 4th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the Liturgy and the ...

Our Holy Faith: 5th Grade: Living Like Christ

Our Holy Faith: 5th Grade: Living Like Christ
VariousCode: B2974  Price: £12.50

Living Like Christ, In Christ is the 5th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an introduction to the Second Half of the Baltimore ...

Our Holy Faith: 5th Grade: Living Like Christ Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 5th Grade: Living Like Christ Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2975  Price: £8.25

Living Like Christ, In Christ is the 5th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the Second Half of ...

Our Holy Faith: 6th Grade: Our Faith

Our Holy Faith: 6th Grade: Our Faith
VariousCode: B2976  Price: £15.95   £14.95

Our Faith: God's Great Gift is the 6th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an introduction to the First Half of the Baltimore ...

Our Holy Faith: 6th Grade: Our Faith Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 6th Grade: Our Faith Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2977  Price: £8.95

Our Faith: God's Great Gift is the 6th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is an age-appropriate introduction to the First Half of the ...

Our Holy Faith: 7th Grade: Christ in Promise

Our Holy Faith: 7th Grade: Christ in Promise
VariousCode: B2978  Price: £20.95   £19.95

Christ in Promise, in Person and in His Church is the 7th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is a complete chronological treatment of ...

Our Holy Faith: 7th Grade: Christ in Promise Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 7th Grade: Christ in Promise Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2979  Price: £8.25

Christ in Promise, in Person and in His Church is the 7th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It is a complete chronological treatment of ...

Our Holy Faith: 8th Grade: To Live is Christ

Our Holy Faith: 8th Grade: To Live is Christ
VariousCode: B2980  Price: £18.95

To Live is Christ is the 8th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It covers the Commandments, the Sacraments and Prayer

Our Holy Faith: 8th Grade: To Live is Christ Teacher's Manual

Our Holy Faith: 8th Grade: To Live is Christ Teacher's Manual
VariousCode: B2981  Price: £8.25

To Live is Christ is the 8th grade textbook in the Our Holy Faith series. It covers the second half of the Baltimore Catechism #2

Patron Saints for Girls

Patron Saints for GirlsCode: B3362  Price: £9.95

Young women need the elevating example of Catholic heroines throughout history. It is an essential element of Catholic character development

Picture Book of Saints

Picture Book of Saints
Rev. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D.Code: B0474  Price: £12.50

Beautifully illustrated lives of the Saints for young and old. Hardback colour with 124 pages

Questions on First Communion

Questions on First Communion
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2986  Price: £9.75   £8.95

By itself, Mother Mary Loyola's first book, First Communion, stands as a monumental achievement in catechesis, in that it teaches children the ...

Receiving Holy Communion

Receiving Holy Communion
Rev. Lawrence Lovasik, S.V.D.Code: B0652  Price: £2.95

Illustrated in full colour and simply written to help all children to a better understanding of the Catholic Faith. Ideal for Home and School

Religion in Life Curriculum: Fifth Grade Teachers Plan Book and Manual

Religion in Life Curriculum: Fifth Grade Teachers Plan Book and ManualCode: B3164  Price: £10.50

Developed in the 1930s by the Marquette Institute of Catechetical Research, the Religion in Life Curriculum is more than just a Teacher's Manual for ...

Religion in Life Curriculum: Third Grade Teachers Plan Book and Manual

Religion in Life Curriculum: Third Grade Teachers Plan Book and ManualCode: B3162  Price: £8.95

Developed in the 1930s by the Marquette Institute of Catechetical Research, the Religion in Life Curriculum is more than just a Teacher's Manual for ...

Rosie Goes to Church

Rosie Goes to Church
Kathleen PearceCode: B1203  Price: £7.00

The naturally inquisitive mind of a child wants to know the answers to so many questions. Churches are special places which can fascinate children

Saint Francis de Sales

Saint Francis de Sales
Elena PascolettiCode: B3302  Price: £5.00

This charming, illustrated book is designed to bring children closer to the story and witness of one of the most beloved saints

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph
Francesca FabrisCode: B1962  Price: £4.95

The life of Mary's husband and Jesus' foster father for children. Accompanied by vivid illustrations, this re-telling of the life of St Joseph shows ...

Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3217  Price: £9.50

The Story Of The First Canonized Saint Of The Americas. The story for children 10 and up of St. Rose of Lima, who became a hermit in her own home - ...

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