Holy Face Devotion

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Second Latin: Preparation for the Reading of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law

Second Latin: Preparation for the Reading of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law
Cora Carroll Scanlon & Charles L ScanlonCode: B1108  Price: £16.50   £15.50

Presumes a knowledge of Latin Grammar. Prepares students to read texts in philosophy, theology, and canon law. 232 pages of vocabulary and reading: ...


Priests of the SSPX Italian DistrictCode: B2510  Price: £6.50

A False Solution to a Real Problem. Sedevacantism presents the origin and history of the sedevacantist movement and its various schools as well as a ...

Self-abandonment to Divine Providence - Leatherbound

Self-abandonment to Divine Providence - Leatherbound
Father J P De CaussadeCode: B2585  Price: £20.95

"Self -abandonment, is itself the work of God: While he strips of everything the souls who give themselves absolutely to him

Set: Mass, Sacraments, Life of Christ, Virgin Mary

Set: Mass, Sacraments, Life of Christ, Virgin Mary
Fr Robert E SouthardCode: B2804S  Price: £38.80   £35.00

Originally published by the Catechetical Guild in the 1950s, these "comic" book-style titles provide Catholic catechesis in an accurate but visual ...

St Brigid: Mary of the Gael

St Brigid: Mary of the Gael
Val ConlonCode: B2282  Price: £6.50

This devotional book has a short history of one of Ireland's Patron Saints. It also has the Litany to St. Brigid, other prayers and devotions and ...

St James Prayer Card

St James Prayer CardCode: L0425  Price: £0.60

Saint James Prayer Card. Embossed, Italian holy card with Gold Accents. Features World Famous Fratelli-Bonella Artwork. Size 2" x 4" (5 x 10 cm)

St Margaret Clitherow: ''The Pearl of York''

St Margaret Clitherow: "The Pearl of York"
Margaret MonroCode: B0627  Price: £6.99

Wife, Mother, Martyr for The Catholic Faith under Queen Elizabeth 1. Executed in York for inviting Catholic priests into her home to say Mass

St Michael and the Angels

St Michael and the AngelsCode: B0571  Price: £15.50

St Michael and the Angels is a beautiful and inspiring book telling all about the angels. Filled with stories from the lives and writing of the ...

St Philip Prayer Card

St Philip Prayer CardCode: L0432  Price: £0.60

Saint Philip Prayer Card. Embossed, Italian holy card with Gold Accents. Features World Famous Fratelli-Bonella Artwork. Size 2.5" x 4.25" (6

St Pio Prayer Card with Gold Foil Medal

St Pio Prayer Card with Gold Foil MedalCode: L0174  Price: £0.95

Saint Pio Prayer Card with Embossed Gold Foil Medal on front of card, and prayer on reverse. 3.25" x 2.25" (8 x 5.5 cm - credit card size)

St Rose of Lima Prayer Card

St Rose of Lima Prayer CardCode: L0413  Price: £0.60

Saint Rose of Lima Prayer Card. Embossed, Italian holy card with Gold Accents. Features World Famous Fratelli-Bonella Artwork. Size 2.5" x 4.25" (6

St Stephen Prayer Card

St Stephen Prayer CardCode: L0442  Price: £0.60

Saint Stephen Prayer Card. Embossed, Italian holy card with Gold Accents. Features World Famous Fratelli-Bonella Artwork. Size 2" x 4" (5 x 10 cm)

Stories of the Great War

Stories of the Great War
Eileen BolandCode: B2912  Price: £3.50   £2.50

The Great War brought the reality of modern conflict into the lives of a whole society. This book collects some specifically Catholic experiences ...

Story of Our Lady - Colouring Book

Story of Our Lady - Colouring BookCode: B3081  Price: £3.95

Tells the story of Our Blessed Mother from the Annunciation to the Visitation to the Crucifixion. Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story ...

Talk to me, I'm Listening: Handbook for Confession

Talk to me, I'm Listening: Handbook for ConfessionCode: B1741  Price: £6.50

This new prayer book on the Sacrament of Confession was inspired by the profound promises Jesus revealed to St. Faustina of inconceivable mercy for ...

Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting

Techniques of Icon and Wall Painting
Aidan HartCode: B1880  Price: £45.00

This book is a comprehensive and clear explanation of the techniques and materials needed for egg tempera panel painting, gilding

Teresa of Avila

Teresa of Avila
Jennifer MoorcroftCode: B2572  Price: £3.95

Life and times of the great Spanish mystic and Carmelite reformer. This great Spanish saint (1515-1582), mystic and Doctor of the Church spearheaded ...

The Admirable Heart of Mary

The Admirable Heart of Mary
St John EudesCode: B1420  Price: £13.99

One of the most prolific ascetical writers of the seventeenth century, Saint John Eudes was an inexhaustible reservoir of holy wisdom and devotional ...

The Carmelite Way

The Carmelite Way
John Welch O. CarmCode: B0244  Price: £11.95

An Ancient Path for Today's Pilgrim. This popular introduction to contemplative living offers a unique opportunity to understand what can happen ...

The Catholic Family - Vol I

The Catholic Family - Vol I
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3192  Price: £11.50

A Brief Guide for a United, Lasting and Fruitful Marriage.

"Men's and women's specific qualities, in different domains

The Catholic Family - Vol III - The Family

The Catholic Family - Vol III - The Family
Fr Patrick TroadecCode: B3266  Price: £11.50

The Family: Creating a Happy, Holy, and Strong Family Bond

There is no more beautiful model to encourage spouses and parents in their ...

The Catholic Hymn Book - Melody edition

The Catholic Hymn Book - Melody edition
Compiled and edited at The London OratoryCode: B3351  Price: £18.95

The most wide-ranging traditional Catholic hymn book with over 300 classic hymns, with foreword by Cardinal Basil Hume. This hymn book compiled in ...

The Children of Fatima

The Children of Fatima
Mary Fabyan WindeattCode: B3200  Price: £9.99

And Our Lady's Message to the World. "What if nothing happens on the 13th? Aren't you afraid people will laugh at you?" asked the parish priest as ...

The Church's Year

The Church's Year
Fr. Leonard GoffineCode: B1729  Price: £43.95

The perfect book for family reading. Part I: texts and commentaries for the Epistles, Gospels, and most other Mass prayers (e.g

The Desert Fathers

The Desert Fathers
Helen Waddell, trans.Code: B2758  Price: £15.95

For several hundred years, in the youth of the Church, countless men, and a few women, fled the world and flocked to the deserted places of this ...

The Doors of Silence

The Doors of Silence
An Anonymous Carthusian MonkCode: B3222  Price: £11.95

Profound and Brief Meditations. "Key points of examination to find inner peace and foster union with God." These brief words of advice are a ...

The Holy Bible - Douay Rheims - Large Size - Flexible Leather - Black

The Holy Bible - Douay Rheims - Large Size - Flexible Leather - BlackCode: B3094  Price: £68.45

Catholics looking for the traditional Catholic Bible in English should look no further!

In 1546, the Council of Trent declared the Latin Vulgate ...

The Holy Cloak in honour of St Joseph

The Holy Cloak in honour of St Joseph
BookletCode: B0526  Price: £6.50

Explanation about the Holy Cloak of St Joseph, including novena prayers and invocations to St Joseph, patron Saint of St Faustina's congregation.

The Holy Eucharist, Our All

The Holy Eucharist, Our All
Fr Lukas Etlin, O.S.B.Code: B0153  Price: £4.99

An invitation to all to develop an ever deepening love for Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Etlin explores many aspects of this the ...

The Holy Mass

The Holy Mass
Dom Prosper GuerangerCode: B1139  Price: £20.95

Dom Prosper Gueranger (1805-1875) devoted himself to liturgical scholarship, polemics, and the establishment of Benedictine communities in France

The Holy Mountain of La Salette

The Holy Mountain of La Salette
Rev William UllathorneCode: B1858  Price: £14.95

It was only eight years after our Sorrowful Mother appeared to the shepherd children in the south of France, that Bishop Ullathorne took up his pen ...

The Immaculata Our Ideal

The Immaculata Our Ideal
Fr. Karl Stehlin, FSSPXCode: B2676  Price: £20.95

What is the first thing you think of when you hear "St. Maximilian Kolbe"? If it's "holocaust" or "concentration camp" then you're a victim of the ...

The Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer
Bishop Kallistos WareCode: B2580  Price: £3.95

The Jesus Prayer is the most popular devotional prayer in the Orthodox Church and increasingly popular in the West. A simple and direct method of ...

The King of the Golden City

The King of the Golden City
Mother Mary LoyolaCode: B2796  Price: £19.95

Mother Mary Loyola had used the simple allegory of a little maid and the gracious King who deigned to visit her as a catechetical tool for many ...

The Last Mass of Padre Pio

The Last Mass of Padre Pio
Alessandro Gnocchi & Mario PalmaroCode: B3165  Price: £14.50   £13.95

On September 23, 1968 after having borne the stigmata for exactly 50 years, the saintly Padre Pio died. This holy mystic spent his life as a living ...

The Liberal Illusion

The Liberal Illusion
Louis VeuillotCode: B2495  Price: £13.50

Louis Veuillot's mid-19th century condemnation of liberal Catholicism throws a flood of light on the crisis of Church and world following on the ...

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