Holy Face Devotion

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Eternal Rest Prayer Card x 10Code: L0228  Price: £2.75

Eternal Rest prayer. Price for 10.

Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion

Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion
David BaldwinCode: B2778  Price: £3.50

This book is the ideal pilgrim guide to Fatima especially in this centenary year 2017, in which the author tells the story of Fatima

Finding Forgiveness

Finding Forgiveness
Jim McManus and Stephanie ThorntonCode: B1073  Price: £7.95

Looks at every facet of unforgiveness - its causes, symptoms and consequences. Then, drawing on real-life case studies

Five Scapulars

Five Scapulars
Raymond J Miller, C.SS.PCode: B2609  Price: £3.75

This is a summarized account of the five scapulars, usually worn as a unit, and of the promises made to those who wear the scapulars

Fr Rookey Miracle Prayer x 10

Fr Rookey Miracle Prayer x 10Code: L0295  Price: £3.00

Prayer card with the Miracle Prayer of Fr Rookey. Say the Miracle Prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel, when you come to the point where you ...

Freemasonry and the Christian Faith

Freemasonry and the Christian Faith
Fr Ashley BeckCode: B1470  Price: £3.50

Is Freemasonry compatible with Catholicism? Freemasons celebrate 300 years since their foundation in England in 1717. Today still

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy

From Ecumenism To Silent Apostasy
SSPXCode: B2677  Price: £4.95

In 2004, The SSPX sent a letter to all the Cardinals of the Church. This letter was accompanied by a hard hitting, but short and concise

From the Sacred Heart to the Trinity

From the Sacred Heart to the Trinity
Fr Gabriel of St Mary Magdalene, OCDCode: B1281  Price: £12.50

. The Spiritual Itinerary of St. Teresa Margaret (Redi) of the Sacred Heart, O.C.D. Trans Rev Sebastian V Ramge, OCD. St

God Made All Things

God Made All Things
E Mary ChristieCode: B3214  Price: £7.95

This concise and warmly illustrated book tells the story of Creation, Original Sin, and the coming of the Redeemer.

Early readers will be drawn ...

God's World and Our Place in it

God's World and Our Place in it
Archbishop Fulton J SheenCode: B2161  Price: £10.99

God and the world explained - by Bishop Sheen, the T.V. personality who captivated the nation and won countless converts. In the 1950s, Fulton J

Highway to Heaven: The Vine and the Branches (5th grade)

Highway to Heaven: The Vine and the Branches (5th grade)
A School Sister of Notre Dame, Rev. R.G. Bandas (Authors), Edward A. Fitzpatrick (Editor)Code: B2956  Price: £13.50

Produced by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930's

Holiness Befits Your House

Holiness Befits Your House
J. Sullivan ed.Code: B0312  Price: £8.50

Official Vatican pronouncements made at the time of Edith Stein's canonization in 1998, as well as the Pope's homily at the Eucharist of her ...

Holy Face Medal x 100

Holy Face Medal x 100Code: N0235  Price: £68.00

Holy Face aluminium medal, gold-coloured. (Price for 100.) Prayer leaflets not supplied - see code N0211 for 100 prayer leaflets.

Holy Face Picture / Golden Arrow x 10

Holy Face Picture / Golden Arrow x 10Code: N0204  Price: £4.95

Image of Holy Face with the Golden Arrow prayer on reverse. 3.25 x 4.25 inches (8 x 11 cm). Price for 10.

Holy Face Prayer Leaflet with St Therese Prayer x 100

Holy Face Prayer Leaflet with St Therese Prayer x 100Code: N0211  Price: £10.00

Leaflet explaining the history of the Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus. Also includes the prayer of St Therese of Lisieux and prayer of Mother ...

Holy Hour with Merciful Jesus

Holy Hour with Merciful Jesus
Fr Berchmans Walsh, OCSOCode: B0519  Price: £6.50

Based on Divine Mercy Chaplet. Booklet.

Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics
Rev. Henry Theiler, S.O. Cist.Code: B2341  Price: £3.95

This booklet correctly presents the teaching of the Church concerning sacramentals, specifically that of Holy water, and it likewise encourages in ...

How to Converse with God

How to Converse with God
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B1106  Price: £4.99

How to Converse Continually and Familiarly with God. Just as the title indicates, this famous booklet of St. Alphonsus Liguori teaches us how to ...

In the School of Jesus

In the School of Jesus
Rev. Cassian Karg, O.M.Cap.Code: B2611  Price: £5.50

A deep interior life, hidden in God, is the most precious thing we have on earth.

"We can never do too much to fill the hearts of men with love ...

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives
Dr. Bogomir M. KuharCode: B1583  Price: £3.75

A fascinating booklet by a Catholic pharmacist on how most contraceptives do not really prevent pregnancy, but actually abort children shortly after ...

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - Antique

Latin Mass Altar Card Set - AntiqueCode: B2530  Price: £9.95

This beautiful Set of Altar Cards for use in the Tridentine expression of the Roman Rite is a reproduction set of 18th century Altar Cards for the ...

Laudate Hymn Book: Melody/Guitar Edition

Laudate Hymn Book: Melody/Guitar EditionCode: B2384  Price: £45.95

Revised Laudate Hymnal (2000): Melody/Guitar edition, with single line melody and guitar chords. This can be used not only by guitarists and other ...

Leaflet: How to Pray

Leaflet: How to PrayCode: L0326  Price: £0.40

Contemplative Prayer. Some practical steps to form a habit of prayer. Leaflets explaining ways of praying.

Leaflet: Is the SSPX Schismatic (May I receive the Sacraments at the SSPX?)

Leaflet: Is the SSPX Schismatic (May I receive the Sacraments at the SSPX?)
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2452  Price: £0.85

Rome says that the Society of Saint Pius X is not in schism nor are its members excommunicated, and that anyone can fulfill his Sunday obligation by ...

Leaflet: Our Lady Undoer of Knots x 10

Leaflet: Our Lady Undoer of Knots x 10Code: L0327-10  Price: £2.95

Millions of Catholics everywhere are learning about the devotion to "Mary Undoer of Knots" -- and like Pope Francis, are growing in faith as they ...

Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?

Leaflet: What is the Society of Saint Pius X?
Society of Saint Pius XCode: B2449  Price: £0.85

Tri-fold Leaflet describing the position of the Society of St. Pius X.

Legends & Stories of Italy

Legends & Stories of Italy
Amy SteedmanCode: B2964  Price: £10.95

The stories of saints and sinners alike populate the pages of this unique book for children. Under the author's loving touch

Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine

Lenten Devotions: Stations and Meditations from the Rosary Shrine
Fr Lawrence Lew OPCode: B3369  Price: £4.95

Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. offers three powerful devotions from the Lenten practices of the faithful at St Dominic's Priory church

Liber Brevior

Liber BreviorCode: B1904  Price: £44.00

This book is essentially exactly the same as the 1954 "Liber Usualis" (used by priests, monks, sisters and seminarians) except that it has been ...

Libretto di Preghiere Comuni (Italian Simple Prayer Book)

Libretto di Preghiere Comuni (Italian Simple Prayer Book)Code: B1781  Price: £3.50

Basic prayers and the Order of Mass in Italian and English on facing pages. CTS's classic compilation of Catholic prayers

Life Offering

Life Offering
BookletCode: B0363  Price: £6.50

To the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart - a call to be a quiet modern apostle.

Like a Dove in the Cleft of the Rock

Like a Dove in the Cleft of the Rock
Matthew ManintCode: B3329  Price: £10.95

According to a French tradition, St. Mary Magdalene spent the final decades of her life in reclusion and prayer. Alone in a mountain grotto

Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies

Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies
Rt Rev. Aurelius Stehle, OSBCode: B1954  Price: £44.00

Guide to the 1962 Pontificale Romanum. Two volumes in one. This rubrical work for various pontifical ceremonies according to the traditional Roman ...

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography

Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography
Bishop Bernard Tissier de MalleraisCode: B2438  Price: £29.95

Marcel Lefebvre's (1905-91) life is fascinating. After attending the French Seminary in Rome he joined his brother in the African missions

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Sunday Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3352  Price: £13.50

This attractive and great value Sunday missal for the Traditional Latin Mass is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Martyrs of the English Reformation

Martyrs of the English Reformation
Dr. Malcolm BrennanCode: B1510  Price: £12.95

This is the bloody chronicle of twenty-four English saints who laid down their lives as a testimony to the truth of the Catholic Faith during the ...

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