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Holy Face Devotion

Mother of Our Savior (MOS/Refuge of Sinners)

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Confession Prayers for Children

Confession Prayers for Children
Rev Daniel M DoughertyCode: B2666  Price: £4.95Sorry, out of stock

Teaching our children to think of Jesus and Sin before they think of their own desires is a difficult task, as we all well know

All Souls Novena

All Souls NovenaCode: B2327  Price: £2.20

A novena is to be said for 9 days. This novena gives one or two mysteries from the traditional rosary to meditate upon for each day for All Souls in ...

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Come to Mass - Colouring Book

Come to Mass - Colouring Book
Father FrancisCode: B3078  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

Tells several stories and then tells all about the Mass with lots of pictures! Very informative, even adults will love it! Most pages have a ...

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Jesus Our Savior - Book 1 - Colouring Book

Jesus Our Savior - Book 1 - Colouring Book
Father FrancisCode: B3079  Price: £3.95Sorry, out of stock

A story about the life of Jesus for the very young. Features the early life of Jesus from "God chooses the mother of Jesus" to the finding of Jesus ...

Meet your Angel - Colouring Book

Meet your Angel - Colouring Book
Sr Mary St. Paul of MaryknollCode: B3005  Price: £3.95

Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and accompanied by a story. Story about the Guardian Angel that God sent especially for you! Pictures by ...

The Green Scapular and Its Favours

The Green Scapular and Its Favours
Marie Edouard Mott, CMCode: B3324  Price: £5.25

The work that appears today on the Green Scapular with its origin and the countless favours of which it is the instrument

The Cancer Saint

The Cancer Saint
Rev. Lawrence G. LovasikCode: B2321  Price: £3.95

May the story of St. Peregrine, the "Cancer Saint," give faith to those fearing or suffering from cancer or any form of running sores

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The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet

The Medal or Cross of St Benedict - booklet
Rev Martin Veth, OSBCode: B3378  Price: £5.95Sorry, out of stock

Saint Benedict, father of western monasticism, is rather more known for his life and Rule than for a medal cast in his honour

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Devotion to the Miraculous Infant of Prague

Devotion to the Miraculous Infant of PragueCode: B2313  Price: £9.50Sorry, out of stock

Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague: History of its Origin and Propagation, with a Novena, Litany and Prayers.

Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed ...

Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed ...Code: B2336  Price: £1.99

A very small booklet perfect to keep in your pocket or purse. Contains a list of actions for you to select "one or more" of for your daily practice

Fatima Meditations for the Five First Saturdays

Fatima Meditations for the Five First Saturdays
Rev. L. Dooley, S.V.D.Code: B2608  Price: £4.95

Contains thoughts and reflections suitable for the fulfillment of the First Saturday meditations. All one needs to do is ponder on one, or more

Five Scapulars

Five Scapulars
Raymond J Miller, C.SS.PCode: B2609  Price: £3.75

This is a summarized account of the five scapulars, usually worn as a unit, and of the promises made to those who wear the scapulars

Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics
Rev. Henry Theiler, S.O. Cist.Code: B2341  Price: £3.95

This booklet correctly presents the teaching of the Church concerning sacramentals, specifically that of Holy water, and it likewise encourages in ...

In the School of Jesus

In the School of Jesus
Rev. Cassian Karg, O.M.Cap.Code: B2611  Price: £5.50

A deep interior life, hidden in God, is the most precious thing we have on earth.

"We can never do too much to fill the hearts of men with love ...

Novena in Honor of Our Sorrowful Mother

Novena in Honor of Our Sorrowful MotherCode: B2622  Price: £4.50

This devotion to Our Sorrowful Mother is new only in its Novena form. The Via Matris and the other prayers date back to the Middle Ages

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Novena to Our Lady of LourdesCode: B2337  Price: £2.20

From the text: For the convenience of the clients of Our Lady of Lourdes the following prayers have been prepared from meditations on the ...

Our First Communion

Our First Communion
Rev William R KellyCode: B2322  Price: £9.50

This First Communion book imparts the necessary knowledge in a simple and attractive way, and makes it easier for the teachers and parents to reach ...

Purgatorian Manual

Purgatorian ManualCode: B1618  Price: £8.95

The Manual of the Purgatorian Society Containing Spiritual Reading and Prayers for Every Day of the Month Also the Ordinary Prayers of the Pious ...

Scapular Facts

Scapular FactsCode: B2348  Price: £4.50

Many Catholics come in time to forget what they learned in their childhood about Mary's Scapular. This booklet is intended to refresh the memory ...

Story of Our Lady - Colouring Book

Story of Our Lady - Colouring BookCode: B3081  Price: £3.95

Tells the story of Our Blessed Mother from the Annunciation to the Visitation to the Crucifixion. Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story ...

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Traditional Colouring Book Set

Traditional Colouring Book Set
VariousCode: B3005-S  Price: £19.75   £17.95Sorry, out of stock

These traditional children's colouring books from the 50s contain beautiful line drawinge, accompanied by stories and catechesis

A Retreat with St. Therese

A Retreat with St. Therese
Rev. Pere Liagre, C.S.Sp.Code: B2338  Price: £8.50

From the preface: The object of this book is the exposition of the spiritual teaching of St. Therese, known as the Little Way of Spiritual Childhood

Church Linens: A Guide for Altar Societies

Church Linens: A Guide for Altar Societies
Dom Matthew Britt, OSBCode: B3002  Price: £6.00

Very informative booklet with descriptions on each Altar Linen, its use, how it should be made, what it should be made of, how to fold it

Communion Prayers

Communion Prayers
Arranged by Rev John A KalvelageCode: B2668  Price: £4.50

Compiled from approved sources. The great Doctor of Prayer, St. Alphonsus, assures us that the minutes immediately preceding and following the ...

Daily Breviary Meditations

Daily Breviary Meditations
Bishop AngrisaniCode: B3230  Price: £95.00

Meditations for Every Day on the Scriptural Lessons of the Roman Breviary, in accordance with the Encyclical "Divino Afflante

Devotional Manual for Soldiers, Sailors and Aviators

Devotional Manual for Soldiers, Sailors and AviatorsCode: B2347  Price: £4.95

For God and Country. Pocket size prayer book filled with prayers for the morning, day, and evening. Special prayers are included for those in the ...

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Holy Souls Book

Holy Souls Book
Father LasanceCode: B2747  Price: £19.95Sorry, out of stock

A Complete Prayer-book including special Prayers and Devotions on Behalf of the Poor Souls in Purgatory. It is hoped that this book will cultivate a ...

How to Comfort the Sick

How to Comfort the Sick
Rev. Jos. Aloysius Kreb, C.Ss.R.Code: B2610  Price: £11.95

From the Preface: "Manuals for the sick, containing instructions on the best way of tending and assisting the sick and dying

Jesus Our Savior - Book 2 - Colouring Book

Jesus Our Savior - Book 2 - Colouring Book
Father FrancisCode: B3080  Price: £3.95

Starts with the public life of our Lord. Topics include: John Baptizes Jesus, Jesus Blesses the Children, Jesus Teaches us How To Pray

Litany in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

Litany in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
Rev. Joseph WolfCode: B2614  Price: £3.50

Contains the Litany in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King in Latin and in English. Also contains Indulgenced Prayer to Christ the King and ...

Little Office of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Little Office of the Sacred Heart of JesusCode: B2349  Price: £2.95

Little Office of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This sweet little booklet contains litanies, prayers and several beautiful hymns to honor the Sacred ...

Marriage Problems

Marriage Problems
Rev. Martin J. Scott, S.J.Code: B2616  Price: £3.95

Christian marriage is the institution of Jesus Christ who elevated it to the dignity of a sacrament. Christ declared that marriage was indissoluble ...

Mary in Her Scapular Promise

Mary in Her Scapular Promise
John M HaffertCode: B2320  Price: £14.95

From the Preface by Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen: "Mr. Haffert has in a masterly way laid bare the solid foundations upon which this [Brown Scapular] ...

Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima

Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
Rev William J Smith, SJCode: B2836  Price: £4.95

Each day of the novena has a special "object of interest" for which to pray. The novena is followed by hymns, and the official version of the Pope ...

Novena, Hymns, and Prayer for the Holy Souls in...

Novena, Hymns, and Prayer for the Holy Souls in...
Rev. Joseph W. Printon, C. Ss. R.Code: B2326  Price: £3.95

Arranged for Congregational use by Rev. Joseph W. Printon, C. Ss. R. All hymns are meant to be sung by the entire congregation and all prayers are ...

St Francis Manual

St Francis Manual
Rev. Clementine Deymann, O.F.M.Code: B2323  Price: £15.95

From the Preface: For twenty years St. Francis' Manual for the Third Order Secular, compiled by the late Father Clementine Deymann, O.F.M

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