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New Regulations on Indulgences

New Regulations on Indulgences
Rev Winfrid Herbst, SDSCode: B0847  Price: £1.99Sorry, out of stock

This booklet outlining the nature and value of indulgences and the new regulations thereon is designed to inspire in us the practice of making ...

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A Guide to ensuring you have the Traditional Mass at your Funeral

A Guide to ensuring you have the Traditional Mass at your Funeral
Latin Mass SocietyCode: B3102  Price: £2.00Sorry, out of stock

This booklet explains about the right of Catholics to request a Funeral Mass according to the Traditional Catholic liturgy: the 'Extraordinary Form' ...

The Catholic Church and the Global AIDS Crisis

The Catholic Church and the Global AIDS Crisis
Matthew HanleyCode: B3268  Price: £2.50

The booklet is essentially focussed on the failure of condoms to reduce the levels of HIV transmission and it stresses that only a behaviour change ...

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The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites

The Secular Order of Discalced CarmelitesCode: B0869  Price: £1.00Sorry, out of stock

Booklet introducing The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS), or Third Order Carmelites.


ConfessionCode: B2123  Price: £7.95

Deepen your love and appreciation for this beautiful sacrament with this brand new booklet on Confession, published by SSPX

Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed ...

Easy Means of Honoring Our Lord in the Blessed ...Code: B2336  Price: £1.99

A very small booklet perfect to keep in your pocket or purse. Contains a list of actions for you to select "one or more" of for your daily practice

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Benedict XV and World War I

Benedict XV and World War I
Fr Ashley BeckCode: B3244  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

This booklet examines how Benedict XV and so many others worked courageously to stop the carnage during the First World War against all the odds.

Retreat Manual and Family Prayer Book

Retreat Manual and Family Prayer Book
Angelus PressCode: B2031  Price: £6.50   £5.95

Originally written to accompany the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, this prayer booklet is useful at any time. Contains prayers for use ...

A Catholic Patient's Guide to Hospital

A Catholic Patient's Guide to Hospital
Fr Peter Michael Scott (Ed.)Code: B3008  Price: £2.50

This booklet responds to pressing questions that can arise when being admitted to hospital, whether suddenly or planned

Little Office of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Little Office of the Sacred Heart of JesusCode: B2349  Price: £2.95

Little Office of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This sweet little booklet contains litanies, prayers and several beautiful hymns to honor the Sacred ...

Sacred Heart: Prayers and Devotions

Sacred Heart: Prayers and DevotionsCode: B3389  Price: £3.95

The statues and paintings in Catholic churches and chapels are an aid to prayer and devotion for everyone. This booklet explains the origin of ...

The Order of Celebrating Matrimony within the Mass

The Order of Celebrating Matrimony within the MassCode: B3271  Price: £4.25

This booklet, which follows the design and layout of our classic liturgical booklets, contains everything that is needed to celebrate a marriage ...

My First Prayer Book

My First Prayer Book
Fr Lovasik, S.V.D.Code: B1007  Price: £3.00

Colour illustrated booklet of first Catholic prayers for children: includes Our Father, Hail Mary, Creed, Morning, Night Prayers

Lives of Saints for Girls

Lives of Saints for Girls
Savary and LuberoffCode: B0563  Price: £3.95

Colour booklet of the lives of popular female saints: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Bernadette, Saint Rita, Saint Joan of Arc

A Divine Gift - The Consecrated Life

A Divine Gift - The Consecrated Life
Sr Mary David TotahCode: B2434  Price: £2.50

This unique booklet explains the origins in the Gospel and the continuing value of the Consecrated life as a sign of God's love to the Church and to ...

Lives of saints for Boys

Lives of saints for Boys
Savary and LuberoffCode: B0476  Price: £3.95

Colour booklet of the lives of popular male saints: Saint John Neumann, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Patrick, Saint Joseph, Saint Anthony of Padua

Church Linens: A Guide for Altar Societies

Church Linens: A Guide for Altar Societies
Dom Matthew Britt, OSBCode: B3002  Price: £6.00

Very informative booklet with descriptions on each Altar Linen, its use, how it should be made, what it should be made of, how to fold it

Scapular Facts

Scapular FactsCode: B2348  Price: £4.50

Many Catholics come in time to forget what they learned in their childhood about Mary's Scapular. This booklet is intended to refresh the memory ...

A Large Print Rosary Book

A Large Print Rosary Book
BookletCode: B0779  Price: £3.50

Meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary in larger print for the visually impaired. It also explains the practical steps of saying the Rosary

The Catholic Church & the Global AIDS Crisis

The Catholic Church & the Global AIDS Crisis
Matthew HanleyCode: B1923  Price: £2.50

The morality and effectiveness of AIDS prevention policies honestly assessed. This booklet provides an informed, thorough and revealing description ...

Opus Dei

Opus Dei
Fr Peter BristowCode: B0703  Price: £1.95

Christians in the midst of the world. This booklet answers the questions: what is Opus Dei, how did it begin and how does it work

How to Converse with God

How to Converse with God
St Alphonsus LiguoriCode: B1106  Price: £4.99

How to Converse Continually and Familiarly with God. Just as the title indicates, this famous booklet of St. Alphonsus Liguori teaches us how to ...

Last Rites

Last Rites
Angelus PressCode: B3233  Price: £7.95

This booklet serves as both a ritual and step-by-step instructional for the administration and reception of the sacrament of Extreme Unction or Last ...

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives

Infant Homicides by Contraceptives
Dr. Bogomir M. KuharCode: B1583  Price: £3.75

A fascinating booklet by a Catholic pharmacist on how most contraceptives do not really prevent pregnancy, but actually abort children shortly after ...

For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of Mass

For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of MassCode: B3145  Price: £11.50

An invaluable resource about St. Joseph, Patron and Protector of the Universal Church, this studies booklet was originally published in 1961 by the ...

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion

The Way of the Cross: A Lenten Devotion
John Bradburne Memorial SocietyCode: B3169  Price: £4.95

This Way of the Cross booklet supports the work of the John Bradburne Memorial Society, and is based on the Vatican sponsored initiative

First Fridays and First Saturday

First Fridays and First Saturday
CTSCode: B3113  Price: £3.95

The Devotions Explained, How to understand and practice two well known Catholic devotions. These well known devotions each have a fascinating origin ...

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Ordinary Prayers of the Traditional Latin Mass

Ordinary Prayers of the Traditional Latin Mass
Joseph ShawCode: B2600  Price: £3.75Sorry, out of stock

Missalette for the Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form, Tridentine Rite), Benediction, Angelus and other prayers and devotions

Devotion to the Sacred Heart (Traditional)

Devotion to the Sacred Heart (Traditional)
Compiled by Mary Frances LesterCode: B1630  Price: £3.99

Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a powerful little booklet filled with many of the treasures to be found in the veneration of the Sacred Heart of ...

Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council

Time Bombs of the Second Vatican Council
Fr. Franz SchmidbergerCode: B2448  Price: £0.60   £0.40

In this little booklet, Fr. Franz Schmidberger explains how the Second Vatican Council brought about the destruction of Catholic bastions by:
not ...

Roman Catholic Marriage Missal and Rite of Betrothal

Roman Catholic Marriage Missal and Rite of BetrothalCode: B3232  Price: £5.25

This booklet contains the entire Wedding Mass as well as the Wedding Ceremony and the Rite of Betrothal (see below). In Latin and English

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Saint Gertrude the Great, the Herald of Divine Love

Saint Gertrude the Great, the Herald of Divine Love
BookletCode: B0216  Price: £2.50Sorry, out of stock

A brief biography of this 12th c mystic, with her method of prayer, sample prayers and revelations.

Life Offering

Life Offering
BookletCode: B0363  Price: £6.50

To the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart - a call to be a quiet modern apostle.

Marian Missal for the Mass of the Ages

Marian Missal for the Mass of the AgesCode: B3353  Price: £5.50

This attractive Latin Mass booklet is dedicated to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. The propers included within the Mass are for the Feast of the ...

Rosa Mystica

Rosa Mystica
BookletCode: B0640  Price: £6.50

The story of the Rosa Mystica - the apparitions at Montichiari Fontanelle in Italy - with the Rosa Mystica Novena.

Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague

Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague
BookletCode: B0152  Price: £3.99

The fascinating story briefly told, plus the famous, powerful prayers and devotions to the Infant Jesus.

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