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For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of Mass

For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of Mass
 For the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of MassFor the Insertion of the the Name of St. Joseph in the Prayers of Mass 
Our Price:  £11.50(VAT Free)

Product Code:  B3145
Publisher:  Romanitas Press
Format  Paperback
Pages  112
Condition  New



In stock, immediate despatch

An invaluable resource about St. Joseph, Patron and Protector of the Universal Church, this studies booklet was originally published in 1961 by the Research and Documentation Center of St. Joseph's Oratory in Montreal to promote the cause of its title.

The study traces the development of the cultus of St. Joseph in the Roman Catholic Church-with emphasis on its theological aspect-and the history of the Papacy increasing the honors due to him, especially through the sacred liturgy. While concerning the insertion of St. Joseph's name into the Roman Canon, it particularly discusses the difficulties raised and the resulting solutions.

Even more so, this book demonstrates how the popes from Pius IX through the 20th century consistently hailed and appointed St. Joseph as the remedy against the ills that were afflicting the Church and society-which unfortunately have increased in our time.

Specifically, the Roman Pontiffs acclaimed the Foster Father of Christ and Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a model and protector of the family, husbands and fathers, priests and workers, while declaring him the patron against Communism and Socialism.

Hence, this booklet ably demonstrates why we should confidently rely on the intercession of St. Joseph in times of crisis.

Just a few months after its publication, the crowning achievement sought by this booklet was realized in November 1962 when Pope John XXIII ordered St. Joseph's name to be inserted in the Roman Canon of the Mass at the Communicantes prayer.

In this reprinted and enlarged edition, a series of appendixes were added that feature the decree of insertion, a contemporaneous story of how it transpired (along with related pictures) and extracts of prayers from the 1962 Missale Romanum that invoke the patronage of St. Joseph.

To summarize, this booklet provides a wonderful insight into the eminent sanctity and intercessory power of St. Joseph (called protodulia in the theological studies of Josephology) and thereby the devotion and confidence Catholics should have in his great patronage and providence. So, Ite ad Joseph!

Publisher: Romanitas Press
Pages: 112
Keywords: Tradition books Latin Mass - Study and Rubrics

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